
Doodle Pals Preorder Store

Created by Scragster

Thank you so much for your support for our Doodle Pals project!! Check out this preorder store for all the goodies that were in the original campaign, including all the guest artist merch and Crayon Kitty in purple!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Manufacturing and Preorder Store UPDATES!
4 days ago – Sat, Sep 14, 2024 at 11:53:14 AM

Hello again!

Just a friendly reminder that the Doodle Pals Preorder store closes in about 11 days!

We've also got some production updates below, but before we get to that please read the info regarding the preorder store and survey completion!

If you missed out on the campaign and wanted to snag some of the Doodle Pals goodies, now is your chance! Once added to our public shops, the prices will increase, so get them while they are still at the Backerkit discounted rates!

Crayon kitty is almost unlocked!! We only need 5 more preorders to secure them! 

We need your help to get this cute lil kitty unlocked, only 25 total orders needed before the preorder store closes on September 25th! 

NOTE: You won't be charged for Crayon Kitty unless they get unlocked!

Please disregard the "12 months left" on the page, we only have 11 days left!

Help us by spreading the word to get them funded! And remember, the preorder store closes September 25th!!

We've also got some updates regarding manufacturing!

All Doodle Pals merch (with the exception of Crayon Kitty) has been submitted for production! We've even received a sample photo of both the Crayon Kitty Lanyard and Puppy Pencil iron on patch already! Check out the photos below~

So exciting!! They both look adorable and we can't wait to see photos of the other merch as it comes to life!

We've got about 25% of surveys still waiting for responses, so please be sure to get those filled out as soon as possible please!! 

Thank you so much for reading and please feel free to reach out if you have any questions!

Preorder store is LIVE
12 days ago – Fri, Sep 06, 2024 at 09:14:33 AM

Hello again!

(Apologies for the double update, but we wanted to make a separate update just for the preorder store info)

Thank you all for your continued patience while we set up everything, but we are happy to announce that the Preorder Store is OPEN!

We will have the Preorder store open until September 25th!

If you missed out on the campaign and wanted to snag some of the Doodle Pals goodies, now is your chance! Once added to our public shops, the prices will increase, so get them while they are still at the Backerkit discounted rates!

We've also got a very exciting unlockable item, Crayon Kitty in purple!!   

We need your help to get this cute lil kitty unlocked, only 25 orders (now 11 yay!) needed before September 25th! 

NOTE: You won't be charged for Crayon Kitty unless they get unlocked!

Help us by spreading the word to get them funded! And remember, the preorder store closes September 25th!!

Thank you so much!!

Surveys and Preorder Store
13 days ago – Thu, Sep 05, 2024 at 08:50:51 PM

Hello again everyone!!

We've been hard at work getting your surveys prepped and we're happy to let you know that they're ready! We're sending out a "smoke test" first (a small percentage of backers to make sure things are running smoothly before we release them all) and once those have been responded to, we'll get the rest sent out!

We've also opened the Preorder store! This is where you non backers can preorder items from the campaign if they missed out! We also have purple Crayon Kitty bags as an unlockable item in the store, so be sure to check it out if you were interested! ^^

Backers do not purchase anything through the preorder store!! You will be able to add on all the same items via your surveys, so please be patient while those are being sent out!

And just as another reminder, here are the upcoming dates and deadlines!:

  • September 25th - Surveys lock! The Preorder store will also close on this date! (Please make your selections BEFORE this date) 
  • September 27th - Cards will be charged for shipping and additional add ons!
  • December/January - Addresses will lock! We can't predict when all items will arrive, so we don't have an exact date just yet. But once we have everything in hand, we'll give everyone a week to update their addresses!

The funds from the campaign have finally made it to us, so we've started arranging orders with our manufacturers! We still need you to fill out your surveys in a timely manner so we can get our quantities for certain items figured out, but so far everything is moving along at a good pace ^^ 

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions, and thank you again for all your support!

Crayon Kitty Vote!!
15 days ago – Tue, Sep 03, 2024 at 02:57:35 PM

We need your help!

While setting up our Backerkit surveys and preorder store for Doodle Pals, we learned about "unlockable" add ons/preorder items! This means that you can commit to buy an item, but it won't unlock/ you won't be charged unless enough folks claim to buy it.

So with that being said, we want to have Crayon Kitty as an unlockable add on for folks who really wanted this cutie ❤️ We need about 40 preorders per design, so to realistically get Crayon Kitty funded, we think it would be best to only have 1 colorway available.

Which is where we need your help! Which color is your favorite??

Please comment below or vote in the Poll we set up!

Campaign has Ended + Surveys & Preorder Store!
20 days ago – Thu, Aug 29, 2024 at 06:27:50 PM

Hello again!!

Apologies for the delayed update, we had poor timing with two back to back conventions coinciding with the ending of this campaign 😅 This update will include a bunch of important info, so please be sure to read through it all!

We want to keep you all in the loop as to what to expect going forward, so here is a list of important dates to keep in mind:

  • September 6th - All Surveys will be sent out! The Preorder store will also open at this time!

  • September 25th - Surveys lock! The Preorder store will also close on this date! (Please make your selections BEFORE this date) 

  • September 27th - Cards will be charged for shipping and additional add ons!

  • December/January - Addresses will lock! We can't predict when all items will arrive, so we don't have an exact date just yet. But once we have everything in hand, we'll give everyone a week to update their addresses!

We do plan to open a Preorder store on September 6th, the same time surveys go out! For those who backed the project, do not purchase through the preorder store if you are wanting to combine shipping! All items available in the preorder store will be available via the add ons section of your survey! If you place an order via the store, it will be shipped separately!

Something new we haven't tried before that will be featured in both the add ons and Preorder store is Unlockable items! For example, we will have the Crayon Kitty bag available for preorder, but they will only unlock if so many people claim to order it. There will be a progress bar to let you know how many orders are needed to unlock said items, and you will not be charged for them if they do not get unlocked. 

We are currently hard at work finishing up your surveys, and once we have those ready to send out we'll post another update!

Thank you so much for your patience and support for this project! We can't wait to get the Doodle Pals collection into production! ❤️